We're having a record heatwave of a Month's worth of consecutive days of temperatures exceeding 110 degrees *whew*... and most being around 115-117 degrees *insert feeling of spontaneous combustion, LOL*... and so I needed some R&R to help take my mind off the heat.

R&R meaning RUST AND ROSES  as well as rest and recuperation! *Winks*  Sweet Minnie looked as fresh as a Daisy as usual, in spite of brutal temps outside... isn't she adorable!?

And look at the amazing Altered Art Rosary she had created... I'm trying to talk her into making some for the Shop, Rosary wearing & Collecting fanatic that I am! *Smiles*

I took Home a couple of these lovely orphaned Antique shakers... I like to put my straight pins I use for Sewing in the little holes.

ADDED NOTE: A Sweet Blog Friend suggested that these might just be Hat Pin Holders and not Shakers... and the more I look at them the more I think they probably are just that... so now my usage of them doesn't seem so odd... at least they're holding Pins of some sort again! *LOL* 

I'm loving the Vintage Industrial & Commercial items the Shop Gals had stocked up on...

And the Vignettes in the Shop never cease to Inspire...

My Friend Pauline's Space looked amazing and she was still bringing in more fab pieces to foof the Booth...

Her Handsome DH, Victor, was hard at work hanging Lovelies clear to the rafters... 

She had decided to part with this AMAZING Gothic Chair! *swooning*

Alas, Chair Fiend that I am there is absolutely no more room at this Old House for yet another fabulous Vintage Chair... but if there were... I'd be all over this one, aged to perfection & fabulously Ornate! *Winks*

I'm adoring the huge Paper, Burlap & Lace Flowers Shelly had made and draped with old film...

Yes, visiting a favorite Shop and visiting Good Friends there was just the R&R I needed to help relieve a record breaking heatwave... 

 And my tiny Treasures were a great score... yep, that's the pair I chose...

Stay Cool my Friends...

'Cause it's Hot enough to Roast a Chicken on the sidewalk!!! *LOL*

But I'd like to think this Lil Fella died of more natural causes?! *Smiles*

And please join us over at the FADED CHARM Blog Party for WHITE WEDNESDAY!!!

Dawn... The Bohemian