It's a VERY Special Day Today...

Today will be our G-Son, Prince R's, 11th Birthday...

So we'll be buying Fresh Fruit Tart Cake...

Which is a Family fav for Special Events such as this... along with Ben & Jerry's assorted personal sized Ice-Cream so everyone gets their particular favorite flavors...

And we'll make a decision on where he'd like to go to Celebrate?

Grandpa already took him on the Shopping Trip... he's at the age now where he prefers to pick out his own Gifts with a "budget" to splurge with...

He's already an adept Negotiator... and enlarged the original "budget" significantly... Grandpa never stood a chance!!! *LOL*

But he also knows a Bargain and gets a lotta Bang For His Buck... hummmmm, wonder where he got THAT from??? *Winks*

He's interested in all kinds of Technology & Science... he's extremely Bright & Gifted... Wise beyond his years... he's the "Go To Guy" when I need Tech Advice & Training... *Winks*

And he's got a great sense of Humor & always keeps us laughing...

He's Grandpa's Sidekick & loves going on all our Adventures... he wants to know everything about anything & becomes a wealth of knowledge about his many interests...

He shares our penchant for Historic Places... 

And great Old Things...

He Loves & respects Nature...

And Loves Fur Babies... and they Love him back... he has a calming effect around Wildlife & Wild Creatures often come right up to him...

He is Loving and in Service to Family... always wanting to Help & is in tune with the emotions of others, he's a very Sympathetic Soul with much Empathy & Sensitivity to the needs & feelings of others...

He "Hearts" Video Games & is a very competitive Player, winning most challenges...

He Loves Singing & Dancing... he's an AMAZING Artist... and very active in Church, he Loves the Lord with all his Heart...

He has a fertile imagination & significant Vision... I am quite certain he will become anything he sets his Heart upon being and doing... his tenacity is Legendary even at this tender age! *Smiles*

He Loves dressing up in Costume... as do we all... and our Fantasy World blends with our Reality since we live it daily and enjoy it thoroughly... I never want him to lose that zest for Life and imagining all possibilities to be entirely possible... regardless of the opinions of others... he is authentic to Self and not afraid to be himself and I admire that greatly, because that is never easy with the pressures Society can impose... especially upon the Young & impressionable...

He's Handsome, with his big Green Eyes & thick Blonde Hair... though he hates to be told that and is very modest about his attributes. *Winks*

Yeah, he's a very Special Young Man...


Gramma Dawn & The Bohemian Crew 