This Photo cribbed from WILDFLOWER BREAD CO. site.

One of my fav places to go for Breakfast or Lunch is WILDFLOWER BREAD COMPANY and the Gourmet Breads and Confections they make daily are Heavenly!  My Dad was a superb Pastry Chef and Master Chef so my entire life I got to enjoy his amazing culinary talents without charge! *winks* When he passed from time into eternity it certainly left a void in so many ways for all of us, among them missing his amazing culinary creations that he took great Joy in preparing for everyone he Loved!  So when I run across a place that reminds me of some of Dear Dad's cuisine and goodies, well, I'm all over it!!!

The WILDFLOWER BREAD COMPANY near us also has the most amazing blown Glass Art by Artist DALE CHIHULY hanging from their ceiling and above every table.  So the last time I was there I decided to go into Photographer Mode and share the visuals with you. *winks*  Yes, now that I've entered the Land Of Blog I am that crazy Photographer Lady that is carrying a camera everywhere and happily photographing anything and everything of interest for potential Posts.  Yes, I do get some odd looks and at first I was a bit timid about photographing in public or approaching someone to ask if I could photograph their work or their Shop for a Blog Post... or remembering that if it's a large Mall type Store that asking permission from one Employee and having it granted won't mean that another won't take issue if they weren't specifically asked too. *le sigh* But overall I do find that the majority of peeps are wonderful about it and enjoy the Land Of Blog too and will ask where they can find your site and see the product of your labors. To be truthful it is making me even more aware of the great effort, lengths, talent and expense the Shops, Vendors and Artists go to not only provide us with great product, but also an inviting and pleasant environment to shop in!  Often if someone doesn't photograph it there will be no record of their work on these beautiful displays and vignettes or interior decorating and that would be a shame. Because for me at least, how something is presented is half the appeal of it and why I would recommend it.  How about you?  Nothing delights me more than going somewhere that is as lovely as what it is offering for Sale.  Have you ever noticed that even Junque, when displayed beautifully, creatively and interestingly will appeal to you and draw you in?  You see the potential, due to the way the Vendor has expertly arranged, utilized or showcased the items that otherwise you might never have noticed or been inspired by.  When I go out to eat the ambiance is at least 50% of why I'll return again and again or maybe never try the food if the vibe of the place just feels all wrong.  So to all of you hard working and creative Vendors, Artists, Restaurant Owners and Shopkeepers who go above and beyond to make yours the place we want to go... we salute you... and we'll come back often and tell our Friends to check you out... Dawn... The Bohemian 