As we continue with the Street Fair experience of Vintage Cars, Fashion and Vintage Decor you can clearly see how enamored I was with a few things. *winks*  Yes, the Vintage Bohemian Purple and Gold Tablecloth... the Antique South American Headdresses... and Shelly Sessions fabulous Bag creations had me spellbound.  No, alas, none came Home with me... but if I win the Lottery... it's ALL mine!!! *LOL*  SIRENS & SAINTS had some fabulous Fashions and I did get the lacy Scarf accessory though and have given you a close-up of it at Home... I love accessories that can be layered and purposed many different ways, its an inexpensive way to enhance wardrobe.  

Seeing some models of cars that I remember owning brand new and having them now called Vintage Collectibles always makes me smile... I owned several Mustangs in my Youth and its nostalgic and heartwarming to see them still sought after, preserved and appreciated even to this day... some things are just classics aren't they... just like us *winks*... Dawn... The Bohemian 
