
Vardo Image by Jeanne Bayol

An E-Bay Auction Image

An E-Bay Auction Image

Our Son

I can be extremely random and my Posts often prove it. *winks*  I often don't have an aim, reason or pattern for a topic or doing something and spontaneity often dictates my direction and the outcome ... I actually like to see where that leads me.  That can drive some people crazy if they have a more organized, logical, well thought out approach to Life and whatever they're doing and a 'need to know'.  If you aren't scattered, then partnering with me or trying to figure out what on earth I'm doing or thinking might not be your best or most relaxing experience. *Smiles*

If a visual appeals to me I'll just randomly use it in a Post... usually with no Title or Topic yet... that will come as the words begin to flow out of thought and onto the screen.  I've found there's a lot less pressure to a spontaneous approach to Writing, Photography, Art and Recreational Pursuits when I just go with the flow and don't worry about the outcome.  That's not to say I've gone completely through Life with no Plan, Goal, discipline or direction, quite the contrary... but I have found that in being inclined to be extremely random I find it almost effortless to adapt, improvise and change direction easily and frequently if that becomes necessary.  Or to seize the moment when those windows of opportunity present themselves quite unexpectedly.  It's just more enjoyable to ME to do it MY way and I suspect that is the same for you too, however you roll. 

I must say I'm quite impressed by those who are very meticulous in what they do and how they prepare for it, The Man is like that and perhaps why we compliment each other so well... the polar opposite to me... yet I know that Style of 'being' wouldn't be for me, it's simply not how I'm wired. If my Art, Photography and Writing didn't just effortless flow and I'd have to do drafts and THINK about it or explain it beforehand, and seek only those photos, fabrics and stories  to capture and match up with a Topic or Theme specifically... I'd be paralyzed to get a single Post, creation or beautiful photo done!  If I had to carefully plan out a Recreational Pursuit with an itinerary, Maps and set plans I'd feel very confined and too structured to truly enjoy whatever adventure lay before me and enjoy the Journey as well as the Destination.  Or have the complete Freedom to take a different direction at will and end up in a different Destination by chance!

I enjoy mixing things up and having few rules about my pursuits and activities that I seek enjoyment from. I love having the freedom to do things in a way that works for me so effortlessly, enjoyably and without conforming.  I like not knowing what the Day might bring and therefore it unfolds like an adventure of sorts with lots of Promise.  I took a walk and discovered that cool old Wagon Wheel to photograph recently... no 'Plan' to photograph anything in particular or create a Post about Wagon Wheels... its very random, just the way I like it.    If I'm out and about and see something interesting or pretty ideas will just come naturally out of thin air...  I'll use it somehow simply because it appeals to me... no Story line, no definite Plan or Topic of when or why I'll use it.  Inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere if you're open to it... and it might just inspire an entire Post or creation... or introduce me to a new Hobby, Art Form, Decorator, Designer or Artist!  Something around the Home... the Family... the Garden... an Auction photo... a display... it hardly matters if all of it, some of it or none of it goes 'together' or has a 'point' before it will be used and shared. *LOL* Its almost like one of those culinary concoctions where you can use what you have available and you find tasty... and make something delightful out of it to enjoy and share with Friends and Family... and it may never come out the same way twice... and that's okay... because a one time special experience is far better than numerous mediocre ones to me.  Serendipity has played a huge part in my Life...the property of making fortunate discoveries while looking for something unrelated is always giving me a wonderful sense of discovery and Blessings I never expected or specifically looked for. 

And in the Land Of Blog perhaps it was Serendipity that led you here, and I'm so glad it did, so that we could meet, connect and allow me to share some of those things that make me Smile each day... in complete beautiful randomness... so you'll never know what a mixed bag you will be getting each Post because my spectrum of Loves, interests and Joys is wide... but I Hope it has made you Smile too... because that's what makes it worth it... spreading Joy, inspiration and Beauty daily... Dawn... The Bohemian