Having grown up with a very nomadic lifestyle we traveled the World extensively and got to visit many beautiful Countries and States, which was a wonderful opportunity.   So I got to experience lots of different climates and vastly different scenery, each beautiful in it's own distinctive way.  Now that I've decided to make the Desert my permanent Home base and have enjoyed living here longer than I've ever lived anywhere else, I love photographing Desert distinctions that set it apart from other climates and scenery.  People who have never been in a Desert sometimes assume that it is very barren and lifeless because of the harshness of climate and lack of typical greenery.  To be sure the fauna and wildlife of a Desert environment are very different and unique, they have adapted in ways that are survival oriented.  Almost everything has protective features to endure the environment and thrive.  But I must say that when the Desert is in bloom, there is nothing quite like it.  It doesn't take much moisture for everything to show out at warp speed, in the brief window of opportunity it has to complete it's cycle of life.  Cactus Flowers are magnificent... in color, size and texture.  Most Cactus Flowers are thick, waxy and almost look and feel surreal... some only bloom at Night or once every so many years.  The Desert Wildflowers are equally stunning and vivid...and during or after Monsoon Season they can blanket the Desert like a floral carpet, it is truly breathtaking to witness.   

My Grandson and I have decided to share with you today Spring in a Desert Garden so that you can experience the Joy we get to savor daily during this Season.  It's why we want to be outside most of the time even though it tends to move from Winter straight into Summer in the Desert as far as the temperature goes. *winks*  It will typically be in the 80's and 90's on the average Spring day around here, cooler than our Summer heat so we thoroughly enjoy it... but alas, most of the visitors, who we affectionately refer to as Snow Birds, tend to bail about now and not experience the Desert at what I believe to be it's most abundant Season of Life, most beautiful and stunning.  The Butterflies and Birds are everywhere... the Butterflies being far more agreeable to posing for a portrait *smiles*... but I'm still Hoping that soon I'll capture the many magnificent species of Hummingbirds that visit our Garden daily... vying for the nectar in the blooms.  They sure are fiesty and brave for such wee creatures and will spar with each other, protesting loudly at intrusions by competitors, and coming so close to us and our Cats that their bravery and curiosity rivals any wild creature I've ever seen!  But, like greased lightening they are difficult to photograph and our Cats seem to ignore them completely, which is interesting.

I've learned in a Desert Garden that most things tend to thrive that "plant" themselves without any help from the Gardener.  At first I resisted their placement of themselves, trying in vain to control the outcome and design our Garden MY way, with the plants I desired... I failed a lot with this approach and battle with Nature in an unforgiving climate.  The plants seemed to know best where they would thrive and show out best... and I learned to leave them be, nurture them where they decided to grow, utilize mostly Native species, and trust that our Garden would evolve in a random way that would look magnificent without very much, or any help from yours truly!  Now I appreciate that the hardy will survive and find a way... Nature always does you know... and if we step out of the way sometimes and don't run interferance, we can witness something truly magical and enchanting!

Since I began to Blog I have begun to document through the lens, what I've enjoyed for years visually... and even though I've seen it unfold now for decades and never tire of it, looking at it through the Art Form of Photography has given me an even greater appreciation and awe of it all.  And I Hope you have enjoyed a walk through a Desert Garden with us... come again any time... Dawn... The Bohemian

The greatest gift of the Garden is the restoration of the five senses. - Hanna Rion

Many things grow in the Garden that were never sown there. - Thomas Fuller
