Yes, it's true... the Siren's Song lured me while at SIRENS AND SAINTS... Oh how seductively!  There I was blissfully photographing the Beauty that surrounded me, the Saint in me staying strong... and then I saw it... one of Shelly's amazing Bag creations adorned with Vintage Lace and a most amazing Vintage Brooch with an old Watch Face as the centerpiece!   I haven't yet gotten around to designing myself a Bag with my Vintage Lace, though it's been on the "to do" list forever-and-a-day... and with a long list of creations for ultra patient clients looming it isn't likely to happen anytime soon either.  So the seductive Song of the Siren in me was strong for this bag *winks*... did I try to resist?  Nope... I cannot lie... I didn't even set the Saint in me to wrestle with her this day... it would have been futile... the bag was perfect... the price was perfect... it was calling to me too strongly to resist. And there was THE Cuff... the one I'd been previously wrestling with... trying on each time I visited... photographing longingly.  It wasn't even expensive, so I knew if I procrastinated on the Cuff much longer it simply would walk away with some other delighted recipient.  The BFF's fav Cuff had already gone Home with someone else... and I was certain mine would be next... and so I caved... yes I did my Friends... the Siren Dawn prevailed this day... and happily waltzed Home with both Treasures beautifully wrapped by Dear Minnie... along with a couple of matching tiny filigree Basket Thrifting Treasures I'd discovered that day which will make fab Candle Displays.

So I got Home and adorned Yashyme, one of my Dress Form Mannequin Twins, with the new Bag, I love dressing the Mannequin Twins up... doesn't she Rock it?! *winks*  Shelly my Friend, you did an amazing job on this creation... well, on ALL of them actually... but of coarse I can't have them all *Smiles*, so this was THE One that the Siren Called me to ever so seductively this day! *Winks*  And as I'm in my Studio Cottage gleefully photographing my 'Score' ... surrounded by some of my own Rosary and Bag creations... in various stages of the creative process... perhaps it was my imagination... but my Metal Peacock seems to be giving me a disapproving scornful glance (?) look at that face... what do you think... kinda like the glare a Mom might give when you've entered into naughty Siren Girl territory?! *LOL*  Okay, so maybe I'm feeling a wee bit guilty for overindulging and having so many unfinished Art projects of my own, but no buyer's remorse for me... oh, no... I'm delighted with my new Treasures and know that it will inspire me to get busy with some of my own Art creations... and work my way through the waiting list, which has become embarrassingly too long in fact... slowly but surely... because saturating the World with Beauty and Art is a Dream every Artist has because there can NEVER be too much Beauty and inspiration... and even those of us who aren't so prolific are slowly but surely doing our part... well, when we're not being totally distracted that is... *wink*... Dawn... The Bohemian 