Okay, so I admit I wasn't moving at the warp speed as my BFF in the beginning... besides, she's much younger than I am *smiles*... but I started making up for lost time once I got my rhythm going to score Treasures! *winks*  I made a beeline over to PARIS MONTANA'S Blacktop Jewelbox Boudoir to see what fabulous creations Heidi had in store for us!?  Heidi looked adorable as always and what a fun Gal she is too... and her Blacktop Jewelbox Boudoir Airstream is to die for... I sure wish I could look this Hot in a Leather Bustier, GF you were Rockin' it!  *winks* 

And soon there will also be PARIS MONTANA IN THE CITY because coming in April there will be the Grand Opening of PARIS MONTANA DESIGN STUDIO & BOUTIQUE in downtown Scottsdale, Arizona at Scottsdale's Art and emerging Indie Fashion District off 5th Avenue on Marshall Way!!!  There will be upcoming details on the PARIS MONTANA Blog and I can hardly wait to see the Indie, Upcycled and Eco Chic creations that will abound there!!!   But for now I was agonizing over which creation to add to my PARIS MONTANA collection... decisions, decisions, decisions...  I finally decided upon this gorgeous Religious inspired piece and I got no less than a dozen compliments on it as I wore it and we strolled through the two events of the afternoon, so it definitely made a statement!   Further down the Street Fair at a brand new Shop I also scored this adorable Pocket Watch Necklace that is fully operational and layers well with my other pieces... I will be customizing that piece and show you the results in a future Post.  Keep hanging with us my Friends as we continue with the Event filled day... Dawn... The Bohemian