Well, I must confess it was not one of my brightest ideas to try to do two Events in one day... before we ever got to the "Paris In Spring" Event in Olde Downtown Glendale I'd drained my camera batteries *le Gasp*, used up my discretionary funds and was so tired that I realized I'd had too much fun already! *winks*  Not to mention it was pretty late in the day before we mozeyed over there and things were pretty much wrapping up and winding down as far as the French Market and Sidewalk Cafe' part of the Event.  Though if you want to see some of that action Carol from COTTAGE GARDEN 2 captured some of it just beautifully on her Blog.  There were still massive crowds even so late in the Event, too massive in fact and because I was weary I wasn't up to jostling for position *LOL* and we opted instead to just visit Friends in our fav Shops and antiquersize some more by walking around window shopping for random fabulousness.  Luckily I still had tons of random fabulousness I'd photographed at the previous Event at the M7 Street Fair and I'll continue to delight you with that eye candy for a couple more Posts. I especially enjoyed the modern Peacock shawls at one Shop, they had a Bohemian vibe and a lot of detail work and came in a vast array of delightfully bold colors. But Note to Self: At this Season of Life, one Event per day is probably enough now! *smiles*  Perhaps in my Youth hopping from one Event to another was done effortlessly and often, not so much now as I run out of steam physically even if mentally my head is still in the Game and I don't "feel" old. *He he he*  The BFF and I were definitely dragging a bit by Event #2 and we both still had work to do awaiting us at Home *groan*... so we called it a Night before Sundown... ah well, old age don't come by itself but it surely beats the alternative *smiles*... Dawn... The Bohemian   

SIDE NOTE:  The whole Crew here is down with the Flu *Gak* so I'm languishing between my sickbed and my computer which means even more Posts than usual!  I'm OCD like that... *LOL*  And I see that my Thumbnail, and those of many others, is FINALLY back! *standing ovation for the Blogger IT Team*
