When I need a fix of fabulous Architectural Salvage and all things chippy and shabby RUST AND ROSES in Phoenix is a perfect destination.  The Shop Gals said a new shipment of goodies was in so there was lots to take in on this visit.  My Friend Pauline's booth was full of delightful eye candy and it's always a Joy to stop and visit with her. 

I have a soft spot for Architectural Salvage and I like to imagine the grand old Homes each piece came off of.  Can you only imagine what the magnificent structure must have looked like that had such enormous fluted Columns and large Gingerbread Corbels?  I only wish I had more space for large pieces when I discover those that make your Heart skip a beat!  I fell in Love with that large fluted chippy Column... magnificent!!! *swooning*  Not only do I not have room for it in this ole House, but this is not an item to transport via a PT Cruiser either... *LOL*  I do however have a Dream and Vision of an Outdoor Room with the roof supported by such Columns over my outdoor bathing area... so one day... Dawn... The Bohemian

*All images photographed at RUST AND ROSES ... and don't forget the STREET FAIR this Saturday down on Melrose, we'll see you there!!!*