It is always sad when a fav Shop closes and so saying Good-Bye is never easy.  One of my fav Shops in Phoenix  for years has been SAGE... for French Country, Vintage Industrial, a New Orleans vibe and Architectural  Salvage "that was originally parts of buildings that no longer exist in parts of the world you may not have ever been" as one supporter of the Shop so eloquently put it in a review... well, I could always find exactly what I envisioned or was looking for!  Some of my go-to pieces of Artist created Jewelry has been gleaned there too over the years and definitely my fav European Chandies.  It was the one place I could always find beautiful old Doors and spectacular Antique Mantles, no small feat in the Metro Phoenix area since Salvaging old Architecture here is not much of a priority when grand old Homes are razed.  So thank God for the Shops that import the pieces those of us who LOVE it can acquire.  The Owner of SAGE Kendra Vermeer always ensured that her customers were well taken care of and her creativity and Gift for decorating are superb.  Today Princess T and I stopped by to say Good-Bye and score a few last Treasures at one of our fav haunts... I got a fab HUGE long Vintage French Feed Sack Bolster Pillowcase, an Ornate Antique Doorknob *I'm SO addicted to old Knobs... winks* and some Vintage Hardware to make a necklace out of.  Kendra gave Princess T an Alice In Wonderland Pin, so T was all about Alice when we next went to the Desert Botanical Gardens and wouldn't you know there was a handsome young Man there that was a dead ringer for Johnny Depp!!!  T thought it WAS him, and the young Man and his Girlfriend thought it was cute when I told them.  But I digress... I'm hoping I can manage to get back one more time before the closing to get a few more Lovelies I had my eye on... there were more knobs and some Jewelry and French Fabrics that were calling me like a Siren's Song. *winks*  So, though I am sad for sure that the Shop is closing I know that the next creative endeavor Kendra considers will be nothing short of spectacular... and I'm so happy for her as she begins a new chapter in her life after so successfully Blessing us with her creativity at SAGE for so many wonderful years... SAGE will be missed by all of us regulars who loved shopping there and enjoying the wonderful ambiance Kendra always created... many Blessings to you Kendra for the next creative endeavor... YOU ROCK GIRLFRIEND and I can hardly wait to see what you'll be up to next...  Dawn... The Bohemian