Quite often the most simple scenes and atmosphere can be the most tranquil.  A Fountain... potted plants and Flowers... a few Benches or seating arrangements scattered among them... and walla... tranquility!  There's just something about the sound of water that is very soothing to me... whether it be the waves of the Ocean coming ashore... a babbling Brook... soft waves lapping the shores of a Lake... a raging River... the patter of Rain... a cascading Waterfall... or the sounds of the water of a Fountain or other Water Feature... it soothes the Spirit and calms the emotions quite like nothing else for me.  Okay, now add the songs of Birds... and sounds of Nature... the rustling of the Wind moving through things... insects buzzing... and even the sound of Silence.  Yes, Silence has a 'sound', a distinctive one that you don't hear too much anymore in the modern age unless you get away... far away from any civilization encroaching upon the serenity of it.  When was the last time you heard absolute Silence?  And most importantly, relax and rest in it and take it in... deeply... its amazing!  I'm not a Morning Person, but when I have been able to get up really early, before everything awakens, at the beginning of a Day... the Silence is Golden.  I'm much better at staying up quite late, as everything begins to slumber... and catch the Silence of the end of a Day. What brings you to tranquility my Friends?  What sights?  What sounds?  What smells?  And when was the last time you gave yourself the Gift of Tranquility? Or created a tranquil space... your own private Sanctuary?  If you haven't yet, you should... it will pay dividends like no other investment... Be Well...  Dawn... The Bohemian

I'm joining Amisha for THE BEING CREATIVE BLOG PARTY and today's topic is "Things that niggle"... Do you find that when you are thinking of creating there are some things that bother you or stop you from creating?  I know there were things for me and perhaps you'd like to share not only some of your creative pursuits, but what niggles you too?  So come on over and join us...