Tricia's photo of Pauline and I

Another unveiling of an obvious Labor Of Love at the M7 Street Fair was Tricia Samsal's Vintage Bliss Lounge, OMG it takes me back to the Fabulous Fifties, just look at all that Pink Vintage Romance my Friends! *swooning*  If you want to see the progression of how Tricia and her Dad transformed this into the Dream Machine it now is, visit her Blog VINTAGE BLISS and take a peek at the Magic! My BFF was like greased lightening hitting Tricia's Booth, scooping up fabulous creations right and left she literally cleaned out an entire necklace display *winks*, I didn't stand a chance, she left me in her dust! *LOL*  Yep, she scored all of the Kewpie Doll Necklaces AND that fab Virgin Of Guadalupe Necklace with the Gypsy Woman graphics on the reverse side, which if she wouldn't have grabbed first I surely would have! *winks*  And she added another of Tricia's amazing Doll Head Bottle creations to her collection, isn't he cute?!  Our Friend Pauline was also there with her precious Family and the newest addition to it, her adorable little Fur Baby Boy! *awwwwwwwwwww*  Tricia and Pauline always look Divalicious and are so much fun, we had a blast.  Note to Self after viewing my double chin shot with the always adorable Pauline... I've gotta get busy doing that Zumba routine peeps! *LOL*  Though the precious G-Son reminds me that Big Grammas don't have as many wrinkles... and we always have the good snacks!!! *Smiles*   Dear Trish, we had a great time my Friend and your creations as always are amazing and I'm so happy for you realizing your Dream with the Bliss Lounge, all the hard work is evident and paid off, it is Feminine Romance at it's best... next time I must slightly trip BFF so that I get a better shot at the scores *winks*...  Love Ya!  ...  Stay tuned peeps because the next Post is going to take you to visit PARIS MONTANA'S Blacktop Jewelbox Boudoir where I got there first to 'score' a Treasure of my own!!! *whoo hoo* ...  Dawn... The Bohemian